Reduce time spent on managing multiple commission structures

Launch customized commission structures for sales managers and your entire sales team quickly with the 100% no-code platform.
Schedule a demo with our sales compensation expert

Simulate multiple commission models before going live to maximize profits

Build and test different commission structures and launch the one that aligns with your sales revenue goals with no code simulator.

Centralized command center from design to launch

Unified Platform
Integrate your ERP, CRM, spreadsheets, or any other data source using our native and custom integrations and centralize your sales data.
Commission Simulation
Build and test different simple and complex commission models and their impact on your financial health using our no-code simulation builder.
Computation Engine
Create calculation workflows based on the KPIs you want to accelerate across your sales team, including deals closed, clients retained, etc.
Payout Automation
Automate your payouts, ensuring timely and accurate commission disbursements with minimal effort and being compliant with regulations.

Empower your salesreps to focus on closing high-revenue deals

Replace counting commissions and suspense with visible and error-free commission calculations

Build commission plans quicker with a fully no-code designer

Customize commission plans that fit any role in your sales team, including sales reps, managers, leaders, etc.
Experience the agility of spreadsheets with the power of pre-built templates and quickly go live with the plan.
Build flexible models and adjust them anytime to match the revenue goals and market conditions.
Give your finance team the ability to view, edit, manage, and approve budgets allocated or flag disparities.

Ensure error-free commissions and do payouts on auto-pilot

Build the calculation logic and automate computation with easy steps, freeing your finance team from manual work.
Make adjustments and overrides to any commission plan on the go and keep track of them in the audit log.
Use earnings forecasts to reduce disputes and month-end suspense about payouts with the sales team.
Ensure the payout process complies with all financial and accounting guidelines globally and regionally.

Enhance transparency and foster a competitive sales culture

Motivate your sales team by showing projected payouts and engaging them with AI-powered nudges.
Enable two-way communication by centralizing the sales teams' concerns and the leadership team's solutions.
Gather feedback from your sales team constantly about the existing and newly launched commission programs.
Create chat groups to encourage conversations, share best practices and tips, and foster team bonding.

Go-to commission software with a comprehensive suite of features


Build engaging commission programs with leaderboards, scorecards, contests, milestones, and more.


Integrate with popular CRM software such as Hubspot, Salesforce, ZohoCRM, CloseCRM and more.


Establish groups and encourage high performers to share best practices with the team and foster collaborative culture.

Mobile App

Provide granular earnings visibility in the app with multilingual and multicurrency capabilities.


Centralize all the queries and disputes concerning commission calculations and payouts with the ability to approve or reject.


Automate the disbursal of payouts with error-free calculations and on-time delivery.

Build and collaborate across your sales team effortlessly

Motivate and engage your teams with clear commission models and visible earnings.
Sales Operations
Drive revenue with a holistic approach to the sales commission process and improve morale across the team.
Sales Leaders
Get your team closer to revenue goals with commission plans that drive engaging sales behaviors.
Sales Development Representatives
Gather constant feedback about the existing and newly launched commission programs.
Account Executives
Build customized & flexible commission structures tied to deal stages of your sales pipeline.

Compass is best suited for all of your enterprise needs

Launch scalable sales commission programs with accurate calculations and payouts.

Custom Integrations

Our talented tech team will help you centralize your data from any source, like CRM, ERP, HCM, etc, in no time.

Onboarding Support

From onboarding to implementation, you will receive a dedicated resource, reflecting our equal investment in your success.

Multi-Region Deployments

Our global cloud infrastructure allows you to choose how and where you want to store your data.

Enterprise-Grade data security and privacy management

Compass meets the highest certification standards to help reduce compliance
burdens for your business and keep payouts safe.
Here is what Compass offers:
HTTPS and HSTS for secure connections
The platform adheres to all global standards including WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA and GDPR
Checks and processes like VAPT, code reviews, BCP, firewalls, IDS, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption and code audits.

Trusted by leading global enterprises

”67% reduction in payout escalations”

Compass allowed us to communicate with our employees much more efficiently by giving them visibility into commission earnings, answering queries, and resolving disputes under a single tab. Our sales team was able to focus on closing more deals rather than worrying about commission errors.

Director of sales operations, Pepsi

"No more overpayments"

Before Compass, we struggled with overpayments, which not only affected our profits but also complicated our financial processes. Since adopting Compass, our finance team has reported no more overpayments while doing payouts.

Director of Revenue Operations, Coco-Cola

”100% accuracy in payouts”

With over 10,000+ sales team members worldwide, Compass has given us the confidence to ensure accurate payouts in our commission programs. Compass has been instrumental in making our commission calculations seamless, transparent, and efficient.

Regional Sales Head, Mercedez